Monday, May 7, 2012


Cashew Nut Processing - An Overview

Raw cashew nut harvesting, handling and storage
Cashew nut is hand picked and manually handled in various stages of operation -right from picking at farm level to processing at factory level and up to storage and transportation. To preserve the quality of harvested nuts, it is imperative that proper safeguards are observed against natural and man-made contaminations.

Improper post-harvest handling and storage of nuts, such as high moisture, unsuitable temperature and insect or mechanical damage can influence the incidence of fungus that produces toxins like afflatoxin.

By following proper method of drying, fungal infection can be avoided. After drying (to about 8 to 10 % moisture level) the nut must be freed from any adhering plant material. Shriveled and spoiled nuts, which are potential sources of fungal infection, should be removed. Only healthy and matured nuts should be kept for storage.

Quality of Raw nut in harvesting, handling and storage can be ensured by:

1. Proper Harvesting techniques - Only matured nuts from fully-grown apple must be harvested.

2. Proper Drying methods – Nut should be sun dried immediately after harvesting / collection. Drying should be on hard ground, preferably, concrete / slate drying yards. Quantity of nuts dried per square meter area shall not exceed 20kg. Uniform drying can be achieved by constantly turning nuts over to prevent partial / non-uniform heating / drying. Freshly harvested nuts normally require three days of sun drying.

3. Proper storing methods – Dried nuts should be stored in jute / sisal bags [80kg of raw nuts per bag] and not heaped or stored in silos to avoid warm humid condition in storage room. Storing raw nuts in woven HDPE bags is not recommended. While storing, it is necessary to provide proper wooden Dunn age to prevent damage to the cashew nuts in bags by avoiding direct contact of bags to the Warehouse floor. This can be economically achieved by keeping bamboos, criss-crossed, tied and placed on the warehouse floor.

Dried nuts should be stored in well-ventilated, fly-proof place at low humidity. The storage space should be free of stored product pests and well insulated to prevent water seepage during rains.

Cashew processing - process flow
1. Steam Cooking
2. Shelling
3. Borma Treatment
4. Humidification
5. Peeling
6. Grading
7. Conditioning
8. Filling & Packing

Steam Cooking
The raw cashew nuts, sun dried and stored in the warehouses, are steamed in boiler [without steam pressurizing the cooker vessel] for about 30 minutes. The cooking time is varied depending upon the conditions of cashew nut and atmospheric conditions. The steaming expands the shell and softens the nuts due to penetration of steam into the shell. After steaming, the nuts are air-cured by spreading out on the floor in the shade. These ultimately harden the shell and make it fit enough for de-shelling in the manually operated cutting machine.

The steam processing preserves the original color of the cashew kernel inside the nut. The cut shells of steam roasting process yield quality Cashew Nut Shell Liquid [CNSL].

The Steam cooked and air-cured Cashew nuts are de-shelled by hand and leg operated cutters. Two workers work on one cutter, one de-shells the nut and the other worker retrieves the kernels from the cut opened shell.

The nuts are fed one by one manually between the two sets of blades to fit the contour of the fixed blade. The pressing of the pedal pierces the cashew nut on the convex side by means of two blades. The two blades are used to split the nuts by operating the handle of the cutter. After de-shelling, the nut falls freely due to gravity and is collected beneath the cutter. The operator’s assistant works upon each de-shelled nut and takes out the cashew kernel embedded inside the shell.

A pair of skilled worker normally de-shells about 80kg of raw cashew nuts in 8 hrs, which yields approximately 20 kg of cashew kernels. De-shelling in the mechanical cutter soils the hands of operator, causing corrosion due to CNSL oozing out from the shells due to impact of blades. It is a general practice to rinse the hands with suitable oil, mostly castor oil, to protect the hands from corrosive shell oil. Alternatively, suitable water soluble and washable protective chemical coating like “Kerodex” cream can be applied to the hands for the purpose. In some places workers use wood ash or white cement for the purpose.

 Heat treatment of unpeeled kernels [Borma treatment]
The kernels, after they are removed from the shells have to be dried in order to loosen the red skin adhering to the kernel for easy peeling. A few processors adopt conventional tray drier commonly known as “Borma”. The outer sides of borma chamber are heated by means of flue gas generated by burning oil-extracted shell-cake at the bottom. The inner chamber heats up by radiation of heat.

The above system is becoming obsolete due to poor heat transfer efficiency. In the absence of air-circulation inside the chamber, heating is non-uniform. This results in over heating of kernels causing scorching of kernels in spite changing of trays and turning the kernels in the trays periodically.

The conventional “Borma” is presently being replaced by more efficient electrical/diesel operated tray driers. This system ensures uniform heating of kernels for a pre-set temperature [80° C] and time [2 ½ to 5 hours] by means of reliable electronic controller and timer. This system reduces the heating time considerably and does not requires periodic changing of trays during heating, as uniform heat is maintained through out the drier by forced air circulation. This system preserves the original color of the Cashew Kernel and quality consistency is achieved within a batch and in every batch treated.

Humidification of unpeeled cashew kernels
The Borma treated cashew kernels are humidified [Moisturized by water-mist] by means of electrical humidifiers. The cashew kernels in trays are kept in trolleys and are humidified in a closed room for a particular period depending on the atmospheric conditions and moisture level of cashew kernels. The treatment time varies anywhere between 15 - 20 minutes, depending on the condition of the Cashew kernels under treatment and climatic conditions.

The brown skin [Testa] of the humidified kernels undergoes shrinkage due to sudden cooling. This helps to dislodge the hold [Adhesion] of skin to the kernel.

Peeling of conditioned cashew kernels
The cashew kernels conditioned as above are now ready for peeling. Peeling of the Testa is done manually; usage of sharp edges of knife is discouraged as it causes scraping of kernels. Scrapping mars [spoils] the look of the cashew kernel and is more pronounced after oil roasting. However knives are very selectively used on a very small quantity of cashew kernel, whose skin does not peel off easily in manual peeling. Major classification / grading of kernels into wholes, brokens and rejections are done at this stage. A skilled laborer can peel approximately 6 to 8 kg in a day.

Grading of cashew kernels
The peeled kernels are manually graded in natural light by skilled labour. The cashew kernels are graded on the basis of shape, size and color. International specification and standard for grading are widely followed in the industry.

The color grade chart officially issued by the Cashew Export Promotion Council of India serves as a guide for color grading. Normally a skilled laborer can grade anywhere between 20 to 25kg of cashew kernels per day depending upon the grader’s skill and the size of the kernel being graded. For grading brokens into LWP, SWP and BB graded mechanized wire-mesh sieves are used.

Conditioning of graded cashew kernels
The moisture percentage permitted in the graded cashew kernel is 5% max by weight at the port of importation. While a moisture level above 4% at the time of final packing is not preferred as the same may cause fungal growth and aid infestation, low moisture level below 2% is undesirable as it causes breakage of kernel during further processing for value addition and shipment.

Processors, by and large control the final moisture level up to 3%. Cashew kernels are humidified to increase moisture percentage to the required level or heat treated to reduce the excess moisture before final packing.

Filling and packing
The grated and moisture conditioned cashew kernels are filled in 18 l/ square tins, 25lbs (11.34kg) to a tin. The cashew kernels are fed into the vibratory filling machine through a pneumatic Foreign Matter Segregator (PFMS). 8 Tins (Leak tested and Tar weighed) are filled at a time; filled tins are then weighed for a net weight of 11.34 kg plus or minus 10gm using electronic weighing scale.

The weighed tins are “Vita Packed”. Vita packing is the process of vacuumizing and injecting inert gas viz. Carbon-di-oxide or Nitrogen into the cashew kernel filled tins. The gas infused tins are hand-soldered hermetically using lead free solder.

Two tins are packed in a unit carton and strapped and stencil marked for shipment. The consignment is shipped after per-shipment inspection formalities.

Modern Packaging system - Cashew Kernels can also be packed in multi-layer flexible pouches; gas flushed and sealed – 25 pounds net per pouch. All importers in USA and Europeprefer this system of packing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012



Cashew is a tropical evergreen plant, belonging to the family of Anacardiaceae, known for its seeds that are consumed worldwide. This plant is actually a small to medium sized tree with a single trunk and thick leaves. The sweet flavored nut like seeds are obtained from the bottom of the false fruit of this tree, which is termed as cashew apples. The outer covering of the seeds are toxic and is hence removed before consuming the seed. These kidney shaped kernels are of different grades, sizes and colors.


Cashew seed is the food product of the new world as it is a native to Brazil. It is placed third among the largest consumed tree nuts in the world. Cashew is largely consumed as a dry fruit or an ingredient in different cuisines of different cultures of the world. It is also used in the grounded form that is called cashew butter. This seed has a high level of oil content in it and that is why has some industrial uses as well. the oil is required for two main purposes i.e. used in brake linings as a friction particle and also as a major constituent in phenalkamine that is used as a floor coating material.
The commercial production of cashew seed is done in more than 32 countries of the world. The seed generally prosper in the hot and humid regions of the earth near the equator like in central and south American zone, India and oceanic zone and African zone. The world’ total produce in the context of cashews is around 22.5 lakh tons per annum. Vietnam is the largest producer of  raw cashew followed by India and Brazil. India dominates and leads the cashew kernel production list. The total area in the world under cashew cultivation figures up to 35.1 lakh hectares. The world consumption of cashew has ever been rising with time. In 1955 the world production figures for cashew consumption was 125000 tons which rose up to around 1 million tons in 1995 and now it is almost same as the level of production. The major cashew consuming countries in the world leaded by United States of America are
  • United States of America
  • European Union
  • India
The trade pattern in cashew in the world suggest that 8 to 9 million cartons of cashews are traded in the world in an year. The main countries that constitute the world cashew exporting list are
  • India (4.5 million cartons)
  • Vietnam (2.3 million cartons)
  • Brazil (1.75 million cartons)
  • Tanzania
  • Ghana
India contributes to over half of the world cashew exports. Vietnam gives a tough competition to India in the world market as it is the largest cashew producing nation of the world but still India is ahead in this scenario. Vietnam plans to take over India's dominance till 2010. Due to a large consumption level of this seed in the world, there is a long list of cashew importing countries, dominated by United States. Following are some of the major countries in that list
  • United States of America (4.5 million cartons)
  • European Union (2 million cartons)
  • China (0.75 million cartons)
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Japan
  • Saudi Arabia

As already mentioned, cashew plant is a native of the tropical parts of the South American continent commonly around Brazil. The weather in those regions remains quite hot and humid that played a key factor for the plant to survive and develop. The rain forests in that part were the places where the cashew tree actually grew but in those areas it hardly produced many nuts. The question that for how long the Native Americans had been using the cashew nuts is unanswered till now but when America was discovered, it was found that the local South American people were already using the nuts from these plants. Cashew nuts were consumed after roasting and removing all the toxic. If anyone owned a cashew tree in the 1500s, it was considered to be among the richest and important persons in that region.
The Portuguese took this plant to the old world and planted it European countries. This was the time cashew started to become famous in the world. Portuguese were the one who introduced this crop into India mainly in Goa five centuries ago for wine and brandy production. It was also planted as it helped in binding the soil. The commercial importance of cashew nuts was not known at that time. The climate in here was well suited to the plant and it prospered in the other parts of the country too. Trading in cashews started as late as in 1920s.

Cultivation pattern

Cashew is a plant that depends on tropical climate to prosper. Rain is also a significant factor, which affects the growth of the crop and that is why an appropriate level of rainfall is required. The plant has a vast root system that makes it a drought resistant crop. The soil type that suits the plant is poor sandy type of soil. The fact that the plants have deep complex root system suggests that the soil should be a properly drained one. Cold temperatures also affect the crop negatively. Cashew plant begins to bear nuts after 3 to 5 years of plantation.

In India, cashew is mostly planted in the months of June, July and August before the onset of the monsoon as it is considered to be the ideal time for the cashew seeds to be sown. The nuts require around 8 to 10 weeks to develop and become mature. The cashew apple and the cashew nut shed off themselves when they reach the stage of maturity. The nuts are manually collected by hand from the ground and the apples still on trees are hand picked. Great care is needed in the post harvest period until the cashews are processed.

Cashew producing countries

Cashew is produced in almost 32 countries of the world and now it has become the number 1 crop in the world taking over almonds. It is generally found in the tropical zone of the planet as it thrives on a hot and dry climate. The world production figures of this crop hover around 22.5 lakh tons per year. The major raw cashew producing countries along with their production figures in 2005 are

  • Vietnam (827000 tons)
  • India (460000 tons)
  • Brazil (251268 tons)
  • Nigeria (213000 tons)
  • Indonesia (122000 tons)
  • Tanzania (100000 tons)
  • Cote de Ivoire (90000 tons)
  • Guinea (81000 tons)
  • Mozambique (58000 tons)
  • Benin (40000 tons)
  • Thailand (24000 tons)
  • Malaysia (13000 tons)
  • Kenya (10000 tons)
  • Ghana (7500 tons)
  • Philippines (7000 tons)
  • Madagascar (6500 tons)
  • Sri Lanka (6200 tons)
  • Senegal (4500 tons)
  • Burkina Faso (3500 tons)
  • El Salvador (2600 tons)
Regarding the production of cashew kernels in the world, India is the top most producer. Prior to 2002, India was also the leading producer of raw cashews in the world but in that year Vietnam took over the lead from India. The production trend of cashew has ever been rising and it has doubled since the year 1994. World’s total area under the cultivation of cashew crop is around 35.1 lakh hectares, India is at the top in list of the countries regarding the maximum area utilized in  production of cashew. It is considered to be a high ratio of area as compared to the yield of the crop due to low productivity, the world’s average yield being just 700 ponds per acre of land.
Production of cashew in India
India has always been a major player in the production of cashew. It is the second largest producer of raw cashew in the world but conquers the 1st place among the largest producing countries of cashew kernels and also in the maximum area covered that figures to be 7.70 lakh hectares currently. The country provides with around 55% supply of cashew kernels in the world. The Indian production of cashews contributes to around 4.6 lakhs tons per annum. The major states in India in which cashew is cultivated are
  • Kerala
  • Karnataka
  • Goa
  • Maharashtra
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Orissa
  • West Bengal
Maharashtra leads the list above with an annual production of 174000 tons and also has the maximum area covered i.e. 160000 hectares. The country’s average annual yield per hectare is 810 kilograms.
Indian cashew market

Cashew made an entry into Indian subcontinent through Portuguese colonists in the 16th century. The climate in the country suited the crop so well that it spread along in all the direction of the continent. India became the leader in the cashew production till in 2002 its dominating position was taken over by Vietnam. The country is still the second largest country producing raw cashew nuts. It is also is the largest country producing cashew kernels, the largest country indulging in the processing of this food product and the largest exporter of cashews in the world.

The Indian production of cashews is around 4.6 lakh tons per year. Maharashtra stands 1st among the main cashew producing states in India followed by Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. The country also is the third largest consumer of the food product in the world after United States and European Union as it consumes over 3 million cartons per annum.
As India is the largest processor country in the world, it is left with more quantity for exports that also makes it the largest exporter in the world cashew market. It annually exports around 4 million cartons in one year. The major countries that import Indian cashew are
  • United States of America (43149 tons)
  • Netherlands (18736 tons)
  • United Kingdom (6238 tons)
  • United Arab Emirates (8274 tons)
  • Japan (4685 tons)
  • France (3470 tons)
  • Saudi Arabia (2827 tons)
  • Spain (2648 tons)
  • Russia (1990 tons)
  • Germany (1991 tons)
  • Canada (1558 tons)
  • Greece (1859 tons)
India some how imports small quantities raw cashew nuts from the African countries so as to meet the international demand for Indian processed cashew kernels. Cashew industry is directly connected to the growth of the economy as India earns a good amount of foreign exchange by exporting cashews. Cashew ranks second among the horticultural commodities exported from India. This industry also gives employment to around 3 lakh people in the country and the demand for Indian cashews is quite large due to qualitative edge over other countries.
Market Influencing Factors
  • Production fluctuations in the major raw cashew nut producing countries
  • Indirect domestic demand due to the presence of large unorganized sector
  • Government policies
  • Market share held by the competitive countries
Major trading centers of cashew

The major trading centers of cashew in India are
  • Palasa
  • Kollam
  • Manglore
  • Quilon
  • Kochi


               M/s. SASIVARDHI INDUSTRIES, is a partnership firm constituted on 06.01.2009 with 8 partners. The firm has took an existing firm named M/s.Goutamy Cashew nut Shell oils situated in one acre at S.No.153/1, Beside Market Committee, OPP: Godavari Edible Oils Ltd, Industrial Area, Thungapadu Road, DWARAPUDI-533341.The Aadministrative office at D.No.8.21, Bantrothi vari Street, Dwarapudi, Mandapeta Mandal in East Godavari District, PIN – 533 341.The existing firm promoters are having more than 30 years experience in cashew trading business and assist the Managing partner Sri Tula Mahesh in cashew trading activity. The Managing partner and his father Sri Tula Sesha Rao who is a partner having 10 years experience in Corrugation field look after the administration of the firm. Me the Managing partner is also having 5 years experience in this line of activity and he is having technical qualification B.Tech (Electronics & Communications), M.B.A. is able to run the business successfully. Theunit proposed to establish a Corrugated Boxes industry with an installed capacity of 1200 Metric Tons per annum and Cashew nut factory with an installed capacity of 600 M.T. per annum. The cost of project is estimated at Rs. 127.44 lacs